Summary: A Moment in time for Horo and Lawrence. Categories:Spice and WolfCharacters: None Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 303 Read: 32827
Published: 10/31/2022 Updated: 10/31/2022
Story Notes:
One shot
A Moment by tycel
Author's Notes:
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Spice and Wolf! It is owned by: Isuna Hasekura, ASCII Media Works, Kadokawa Pictures USA & Funimation.
Lawrence looked down at Horo who was snuggled up against him and slowly let his hand down to touch her face and rubbed slightly and waited to see if there was a reaction. He smiled gently when he seen none, these last few months we’re some of the happiest in his life and it was thanks to this woman.
The Sage Wolf Horo..A Pagan goddess whom ducked into his cart for warmth. They had any other relationship that young boy Amati caused problems for him, or atleast he thought he had. Like many times since he and Horo had met, She used this experiance to teach him something about himself.
A few days later he had asked a woman who knew about old legends
“Are there many legends where a pagan god takes a human lover?”
“Yes, Many” was her reply, that gave him some hope. He sighed.
Horo’s ears twitched when she heard him sigh and got up from where she was laying and stretched before latching onto his arm and pulling herself up-to him.
“Mmm, so what are you thinking about?” she asked quietly a small smile on her face showing off her fangs.
Lawrence looked at her and smiled and took a second to gather his thoughts and his courage.
“That I still owe you a great debt.” he said, and cupped her face and gently turned her head toward him and kissed her.
“It’s a debt that I’ll gladly keep repaying for the rest of my life” he said pulling her closer to him and kissed her again
In the anime its fairly obvious how they feel but neither really acts on it so i’m setting this a little bit after the series since I don’t know how the 2nd season ends.
End Notes:
September 17th, 2022 Update. In the process of moving my fanfiction over from FF.Net to my main website I’m fixing some rather glaring spelling issues.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.